Hey, I’m Maja and I’m launching a book – about books!
I’m on a mission to become a self-published author and I’m helping other entrepreneurs do the same – want to know how I’m doing it? Join me on this behind the scenes journey – I’ll share how I am personally putting my own book together – from concept to completion and everything in between.
Last year my branding agency Maja Creative expanded into book design and after feeling very inspired by my clients and the beautiful books we’ve been designing and creating, I decided that I want to write and self-publish my own book too. When I got into this process, I realised what a huge, overwhelming task it was, so I needed to find hacks and shortcuts in order to make it happen fast.
I’m a busy business woman, no one has given me an advance to take a month off and write my book on a deserted island, I wanted to know, how can I make this process simpler, faster, easier and more fun? After I did all my research, I wanted to share my new found hacks and methods with friends, colleagues and clients who had always wanted to write a book, so I organised a 20-day challenge over the summer to get my book done – and that’s how the 20-minute author was born!
So this blog series is to further share my journey of becoming a self-published author. Each week I will share what I’ve accomplished and what I’m up to with the book.
My book is written, well I would call it a brain dumped to be honest – I completed that during the first 20 days of the challenge as well as during the 8 day sprint. Today I am editing Chapter 3 of my book. Friday May 22nd was the last day of the May 20 Day Challenge, so I have fresh ideas circulating in my brain. I keep adding to the book!!
Chapter three is all about discovering your WHY – the purpose of your book. Why do you want to write your book? Why do you want to become an author? What is your intention for your book? The 20-minute Author book is a workbook that is going to go hand in hand with my 20-Day Challenge, so as I edit my sentences, I am thinking visually and structurally about how I want to art direct the pages. Editing this section today reminded me that this exercise actually made jump ship on the book I was initially writing, which is a book about branding. Getting clear on my why made me put that one on hold and instead begin developing The 20-minute Author Workbook.
If you have multiple book ideas, this exercise is perfect to help you narrow down the right one.
It’s 3am, so I’m off to bed. I finished chapter 3 at 3am. Nice.
If you’ve reached this far, thanks for reading! I can’t wait to share the chapter with you when the book is finally out. You can pre-order it now here: https://bit.ly/20minuteAuthorBook
And if you’re thinking of launching your own book and becoming an author in 2020, join me over at the 20-minute Author FB Group where I hang out with our growing group of over 75 authors-to-be.
x Maja