The Client
Carol Benton is a business communication consultant, copywriter, incredible businesswoman and now an Amazon best seller with her new book Connect, Convince, Convert. Having spent many years in the tech industry, Carol set up her business Words2Win back in 2015 to help technology companies win more business by clearly articulating the value of what they offer.
The Challenge
Through her client work, Carol developed a methodology, a unique process that she wanted to capture into a book so she could reach a wider audience and help more technology companies win more business. Titled Connect, Convince, Convert, Carol had a half-finished manuscript sitting in her hard drive for several years.
When she heard my pitch about our end to-end book writing, design and publishing process at a networking event we both attended, Carol reached out to me because she knew my team and I would be able to finally get her book over the line
I thought, this is the person who can help me get my book from being 75% finished and largely still in my brain and on a few word documents to getting it being the beautiful, beautiful physical book that it is now. I just knew that you would be able to help me get my book, completed and published.
- Carol Benton,Author, Connect, Convince, Convert
The Approach & Brand Strategy
Knowing that Carol had a manuscript lying around for a while, struggling to get her book finished, we suggested our Author Starter Kit. This meant we created the Book Cover design first, as well as a landing page and social media assets. We wanted Carol to get excited about the finished product and show her that she can promote the book before she has even finished writing it. When our clients see their book designs on a 3D mock up for the first time, it really gives them the incentive to finally finish their manuscripts!
I really like your process. Although people say don't judge a book by its cover, of course we judge a book by its cover. And having that cover design was so, so powerful. It was really powerful in two ways. The first was to me personally, because it made me feel, 'Oh my God, this is real. This is not just a few word documents and, my thoughts scribbled down. This is real, this is tangible.' So it was very, very powerful for me in pushing me and giving me that incentive to think, 'Wow, I really can do this and I'm on my way to doing it.
- Carol Benton,Author, Connect, Convince, Convert
Beautiful design was high on Carol’s list of criteria for her book. For the interior, as well as the cover, we matched her corporate branding and worked in tandem with the editing process to ensure that each chapter was designed as soon as it was edited, drastically speeding up the process of completing the book.
Carol’s book required a cross between a Complex Book Design and a Custom Book Design, as she had some quite complex information, stories and examples that needed to be conveyed well visually. We had to incorporate her brand style guide to ensure the book had an obvious connection to her brand Words 2 Win.
The Deliverables
Author Starter Kit
- Book Mapping Session & Creative Brief
- Book Cover Design – Front, Back & Spine
- Book Landing Page
- 3D Book Mock Ups
- Social Media Assets including tiles, stories & banners for FB, Linked, Instagram
- Complex/Custom Book Interior Design, Formatting & Layout for 247 pages
- Zoom Background
- Pull Up Banner
- Press Release
The Results – How the Project Was Received
Carol was able to secure great endorsements of her book that were included in the book from people that she knew and respected that she was targeting in the technology sector. Having her book assets ready opened new doors for Carol and gave her more exposure to her ideal types of clients.
“When I approached them for an endorsement I was able to send them a few chapters to read in advance. But I was also able to send them images of the cover, and that just made everything so much more tangible. I was asking them to endorse a real book.”
“And secondly, as, as part of that process, one of the people who I asked to endorse the book, runs a networking forum for people in the technology industry. She not only straight away endorsed the book but asked me if I would join her panel of recommended consultants that she recommends to all her tech clients. Having that cover and having those, uh, design elements and those design assets was really powerful for me and enabled me promote the book before it was even finished.”
Almost each page in Connect, Convince, Convert was unique and the interior design of the book included lots of beautiful pull quotes, full page quotes, beautiful colour images, chapter intro sections, diagrams as well as workbook section.
It's a really, really beautiful book. I'm just so proud of it. When it arrived and I first held it in my hands, it really was lovely. And even things like, your recommendations on the format as in the size of it, to make it bigger than say a fiction paperback to make sure that people could use the workbooks and the quality of the paper and the colour. It's really beautiful, but it's also really practical. It's not quite like other business books in the sense that it is a really beautifully laid out book. And the fact that we chose images that were not necessarily your typical images that you would come across in publications about technology.
- Carol Benton,Author, Connect, Convince, Convert
Further Information
Carol achieved Amazon Best seller status with Connect, Convince, Convert during her book launch both in the UK and in Australia and the Maja Creative team could not be more proud to have helped Carol realise her dream of becoming a published author – with such amazing results!
If you’re a business, particularly in the technology sector, then this book is a must read! You can grab your copy on Amazon or Contact Carol on the details below.
+61 (0)431 671 879