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Branding with Heart

By August 15, 2019August 28th, 2019Brand Strategy, Branding, Business, Featured, Graphic Design
It was around this time last year that I went on a secret holiday to Bali. I didn’t post any poolside shots, not many people knew I had left the country. I was burnt out and frustrated with my business, so I went on an 8-day spiritual retreat to re-charge and re-think.
While Bali turned out to be less than relaxing, with scary earth-quakes, friends with broken bones and general holiday crazies, I came to three realisations in Bali:
  1. I wanted to open my heart and create a life and a business that I absolutely LOVE.
  2. I wanted to work with heart-centered, purpose driven, like minded people who want to use business to do good in our world.
  3. I wanted to re-brand Maja Creative in order to make this happen – a physical manifestation of inner change.
One of the retreat activities included designing and hand-making a piece of jewellery, and I went about to create my “OPEN HEART”. I wear this little love heart daily around my neck.
Our Maja Creative Re-brand was a long journey… We had many set backs and delays, and the brand strategy was challenging to define. I do this for all my clients with ease, but for once I was in their shoes… unable to articulate what was sitting in my heart!
When you re-brand a business, you’re going on a journey of transformation, from the inside out. It takes courage to embark on this path, knowing that something needs to change. When you re-brand a business, it’s not just changing the logo. It’s a new way of being, thinking and showing up as a leader in your business and as a team to serve your community.
Brand transformations don’t happen overnight, but once defined, the magic does happen!
• I stepped back from being a control Queen, and let my team design our new logo, which I love!
• Copy for our website was written straight from the heart
• We chose colours and fonts that resonated with our soul
• Amazing, heart-centred clients that fit our client avatar to perfection started turning up with purpose-driven projects we had always dreamed of working on
• Old clients transformed and came to us with heart warming new projects!
• Our business took delightful yet unexpected directions that fit in with our purpose to use creativity to positively impact the world.
This week I’ve had many profound conversations with my clients. One is about to embark on the re-brand journey. We met 4 years ago. It is time. Yet it is scary, it is daunting. We discussed how a caterpillar literally has to become GOO before it becomes a butterfly. It’s painful, yet beautiful in the end.
Another client sent me this message today – “Your work is simply magical Maja. It is set to open and heal many hearts.”
If you thought re-branding was just about logos, colours and fonts – you thought wrong. I can’t speak for how others do things in my industry, but this is our way – with passion, compassion, and an open heart.

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